NOVACANE…… cover

Posted on 12:36 AM by Miss Euphoria Jade Oyatz | 0 comments


Hey so this is a bit different, I'm not going to write….it's just bout the music this time. I have a thing for covers, it's kinda scary and I'm more inclined to like covers more than originals. I just feel that when people other than the artists themselves sing the song there's somehow more emotion. Covers are usually sung by fans of the artists or by people who are touched by the lyrics of the songs….. so there's always that extra effort to do justice to the song or to really just express themselves…. But this cover is not just bout the cover… its bout the song, I am a massive fan of Frank Ocean and my music life and taste has changed for the better ever since I downloaded his mixtape. Novacane is a track I just cannot get sick of….you all know I'm one for numbing myself and the lyrics of this track are so deep! it's so easy to just get carried away with the head bumping melody and forget the story he is telling… this upcoming artist does so much justice to this song, he was very close to taking me away from the original but nothing can separate me and Mr Ocean J. Definitely double click on the youtube video to see more of his work… JRAquino…. His voice is like velvet, and over this acoustic melody it's just lush lush lush!!! I've had it on repeat for a good while now. Hopefully this acoustic cover will help you zone in on the beautiful lyrics… here's his official youtube page link