The Shrug

Posted on 1:06 AM by Miss Euphoria Jade Oyatz | 1 comments

You have no idea how much I love the movements,
The ones your shoulders make.
The way they go up and sorta roll around in their sockets,
The way your shoulder blades contract.
All this hard work from your body, just so you can SHRUG!
How sexy, how can I ever live without this one movement?!?
How can you even for one sec think that I would live for that?
How in the gods name could you possibly think that?
Yea, no girl likes nothing more than to pour her soul out to you
Only to receive the all time famous SHRUG.
Being nonchalant is apparently the in thing now.
Speaking has become overrated so the SHRUG has stepped in!
It’s the movement taking over!
Forget about new gadgets or new acronyms.
Or, wait for it....
The almighty BB!
Yea, cus girls all over the world are screaming and drooling as we speak
for dudes who do the SHRUG!
The one movement that says it all.

"I love you"
SHRUG (erm...okay, what am I suppose to do with that?)
"Do you think we're moving too fast?"
SHRUG (I don't know, were we moving? Are we meant to be moving anywhere? Do I even care?)
"I don't think I can see you any more"
SHRUG (you were seeing me? Is that what we were doing? ermm...sure ok)

Since when has you giving a shit enough to give and opinion become uncool,
cus I honestly think I missed that memo!
You wear the SHRUG like guards,
Hoping that everything she says will bounce off the minute you move them shoulders.
Your indifference to life itself is applaudable!
I mean good god, how do you do it, just how?

But I will give you this one thing,
Your idiocy is inspirational to me.
It really is,
That an emotional void as yourself can get by.
I mean don't get me wrong,
I can see how it would work with the ladies
At first they'd be intrigued, and then curious,
But after then they're on mission mode.
On a mission to break the SHRUG, a mission to be the first person to get actual words out of you.
The first person to make you give a shit.
But half way through, failure meets them, or frustration or better yet boredom.
You make epic mysteries look solvable!

But I got to compliment you on this,
You certainly do wear it well,
And when looking at it from the outside,
It actually does look kinda sexy.

Give yourself a pat on the back
And maybe a congratulatory SHRUG, if such exists.
Because like it or not, you are guarded, you are the untouchable!
You might as well be immortal; cats with 9 lives ain't got nothing on you.
But don't forget, when people can't touch you, they can't see you
So, does the SHRUG make you invincible? Maybe.
Does it make you invisible?