For those of you who think they know whom this is is not.... I could never hate said person.... the love wasn't THAT strong :p .....record time of 7 mins...I'm impressed with myself..... I'm not one of those ppl that write when they are filled with joy...i write when I need to release... when something is too much for me to carry, when it becomes uncomfortable...when I'm happy, I want to stay happy for as long as possible, so, i don't write then...i keep it all in... but when in pain sometimes....i like to see it all out in front me...and i have found that i am more expressive when in pain....writing this has put the biggest smile on my me twisted....but this is what comes naturally to me....this is what i write...
I LOVED you all the way to HATE
I watched every step...I watched it happen
I loved you all the way to hate....
I felt it change in my system
I felt my acid crucify those butterflies in my tummy....
I LOVED you all the way to HATE.....
You took me,
And when you returned me,
It wasn’t me....
I LOVED you all the way to HATE...
They say that that journey is too far to make,
And that it never happens
I LOVED you all the way to HATE.
I loved you in heaven,
Gave birth on earth,
And woke up in hell....
I LOVED you all the way to HATE....
I LOVED you all the way to HATE....
These tears served as my stream.....
Your lies were the currents that pushed me....
These oars were the pieces of me you took and brought back different
This boat is my delusions of what I thought we were
I LOVED you all the way to HATE....
Row row your boat, furiously down the stream...
Furiously furiously....
Life isn’t all it seems....
I LOVED you all the way to HATE