Fluent in the matters of the heart

Posted on 2:41 AM by Miss Euphoria Jade Oyatz | 2 comments

You are fluent in the matters of this heart,
That is what I say….
You bring understanding to me on what's really bothering me, why the brain won't switch off
Where the tears come from on days when the eyes are so dry
How I lay so still and calm, eyes closed but so very awake.
You know me so well, you get me
I am at an advantage for knowing and having you….
Become so lazy to question myself… why bother when I can come to you...
Come to you and have you translate me to me...
I have become lethargic with the petty mazes I draw for myself in my mind…
I have grown weary of digging for a deeper meaning… all the while burying the simplicity of my problem.
You are fluent in the matters of the heart… so you know
Even when I don't know….
So efficient a friend you are to me despite my cloudy judgement and ragged being….
I am still worth your time… you come and see about me
Every time…
Fluent in the matters of the heart…
It's a two way conversation that takes place between my heart and you… I am sometimes excluded because I lack…
Whisperings of my own unknown secrets entice me…
I house a part of me I cannot understand, I lack the fluency to converse….
But you oh so fluent in its matters are my friend.
So on shady days we walk side by side, I lean on your shoulder and let the sound of my footsteps calm me
While you speak with my heart on what holds me captive.
In the silence of our walk and noise of my footsteps I feel the relief…heavy burden withers
My good friend the heart speaker, calmer, soother, mender…
You are most definitely fluent in the matters of my heart.