She was>>>>> He wasn’t

Posted on 3:46 PM by Miss Euphoria Jade Oyatz | 0 comments

She was the obvious....

And obvious in so many ways....

And that's where he came into play

You see he specialised in the not so obvious.

So the mystery was how these two clicked without ever touching

Without ever....


Stares served as so much more than just communication.

Agreements had been sighed with blinks and twitching finger.... hanging in the air.

So she was the obvious,

And he specialised in the not so obvious.

Obvious beauty, the obvious dazzling smile, she claimed the attention of a room,

But within the obvious and expected.

She could have been special but she was obvious.

Gave nothing for the eyes to search.

But this is where he came into play.

Never had he once spoken to her.

But he had smelt the scent of her.

Closed his eyes and imagined being tainted with it at dawn.

A promise that the night before had happened,

And she would lie next to him as proof.

But that was firmly only behind his eyelids.

Her obvious smile....

He saw the trace of the frown she had worn all night....

The others just smiled back.

Her skin flawless.... they all looked in awe

But he sees her hand prints....

All over her body....

She's been trying to hold herself together again in the dark.

She had not lain in her bed alone last night....but she had gone to sleep so.

She gave pleasure.... it signified her worth, she imagined.

She gave but never received.

Now when she walked by, he would memorise the prints...

Make sure to have his hands cover her exact prints.....

He didn't want the pleasure but he wanted to SLEEP with her.

Hand prints to cover her previous, something she could feel.

He watched her.... determination set in.

He would teach her to receive.

He would teach her to be special.

Let her know that being obvious.....

Baring it all out,

It never stops them from looking for more.

Standing in wide open spaces does not mean you are not hiding.

She was obvious.....

He specialised in the not so obvious.

He saw the HER she was trying to hide....

He was fascinated by her unwanted....

Captivated by her breakages and cracks.

Memorised hand prints..... like maps.

He was sure that if he matched them they would lead to her core.

So many things he would do....

But she was out there...

He couldn't get to her.....

She was obvious, but he wasn't.

He specialised in himself.

The unseen....

She was obvious....

But he wasn't.....