
Posted on 4:39 PM by Miss Euphoria Jade Oyatz | 0 comments

So I’m sitting here alone,
But not really alone
You see, I am with Alone
Yea, I am with him.
He showed at my door step
Grinning, cocked his head to the side
And asked this question just to mock me
‘May I come in?’
Why he asked I don’t know
Because before I could answer he strolls in,
Like I wasn’t even there.
So now we sit face to face in my living room.
He says, ‘it’s been a while my dear’
I don’t answer to this; I know it’s just to mock me, again.
But then all the pleasantries are over, he gets to work.
No physical touch or pain.
But I feel him in all my loneliness
I feel the heavy pressing on my inside,
I feel the air around me harden,
Suddenly difficult to take in.
I feel depression engulf me in its tightest embrace.
And I start to choke,
And my eyes water.
My vision becomes blurred
But I still manage see Alone smile at his progress with me.
I want to scream but give up,
I’m alone with Alone.
No one else here.
He only ever comes when I am alone.
The pain sets in and the tears flow faster.
In my mind I run from room to room,
Trying to gather all the happy memories.
The ones I can hold onto before all is lost.
I know I have a minute at most before its over,
Before I give in.
I know I am not strong now,
And I never said that this was a tale of victory.
It is a tale of my unwanted friend and our battles.
When it’s over, I am on the floor
Unable to sink any lower.
All I receive is pitiful glance from Alone.
Then he walks past my crumbled figure on the floor and straight out the door.
And now I am truly alone.
Alone left me alone too.